Sunday, April 29, 2007
Fletcher's Feelings
I am so glad that we have given Fletcher the language to express his emotions. He would potentially be more challenging than he already is otherwise. Lately he has used the following words to express himself: frustrated, disappointed, discouraged, angry, and sad. Not that he only expresses negative emotions. He also says: "I love you," "I think that's wonderful!," "I can't believe my eyes!" and other great expressions that make me smile.
Day Out with Daddy
While Mommy's away, Fletcher and Daddy will play! Wow! Fletcher and Daddy had a big day yesterday. They went to the playground early, then to Reptile Day at Davidson College, and then to Family Arts Day at Bailey Road Park in Cornelius. Fletcher saw turtles, frogs, and snakes at Reptile Day. He liked the turtles best and told Mommy that when he "outgrows" his fish, Kitty Kitty, he is going to have a turtle for a pet. He held a snake but was a little hestitant. At Family Arts Day he bounced in a bounce castle, did lots of art projects, had his picture taken by a reporter for Lake Norman Navigator, had a piece of art chosen for display at Cornelius Town Hall, and got covered from head to toe in paint (literally, it was in his hair and between his toes). Daddy doesn't always remember to take the camera and take pictures, so Mommy doesn't get to see all the fun, but this time he remembered the camera, but the batteries died after 1 photo. Thanks for trying, sweetie!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Fun with Friends

We met Tonya and her kids at the Sandlot in Davidson this afternoon and had a nice time playing there and down the street at the playground. We were so happy to see them today before they leave Friday for Disney World. Since we've been sick lately, we haven't been able to get together and we've all missed each other. It was a very warm and sunny afternoon so everyone had red cheeks. Photos: Fletcher, Fletcher and Henry (brother of our school friend Ally), and Jack (somehow I didn't get a picture Emma Kate, but she looked really cute in her shades).
500 Little Pieces

I have been doing puzzles over the past 10 years or so and have had one for over 2 years and I finally finished it. Ed helped me put in the last few pieces last night. I like to frame them and use them as art. Here are a couple of images: the top one is the puzzle I did many years ago and has been hanging in my home as long as we've lived here and the bottom one is the puzzle I just finished. I've decided that if I'm going to keep doing puzzles, I'll stick with the sunflower theme.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Outdoor Fun

The kids (minus Mandy who is not here today) and I had a great time this morning outside. We don't have a yard but have a nice grassy area for playing in the neighborhood that is close enough to walk to. Fletcher, Cam, and Isabelle enjoyed running, chasing the ball, and splashing in the water fountain. We saw lots of birds, a squirrel, and a bird chasing a squirrel which made us all laugh. We found a great, big pinecone and when we came back to the house we made a pinecone/peanut butter/birdseed treat for the birds and hung it in the tree in the garden.
Hand Prints

I stole this idea from Pottery Barn Kids, but instead of ordering their kit, we did it ourselves: handprints of each of us on canvas hanging from ribbon. You can buy small canvases at Michael's for 3 for $4.00. I hung them in Fletcher's room, over his bed, and I like the way they look against his apple-green walls. I do think they'd look better on a smaller wall. Oh well, I've already put holes in the wall. Maybe in our next home. I like Ed's handprint the best. Fletcher kept moving his hand so it's a little smeared. But a neat family project. If you do this project don't forget to write the dates on the back.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Out and About

Fletcher and I have been under the weather, and decided that we needed to get out of the house, so we made a trip to Concord Mills so I could by a frame and so Fletcher could ride the carousel. We had a nice time, even though I always feel guilty when we spend time doing commercial-type stuff instead of outdoors enjoying nature. But anyway...we had pizza at the food court, rode all the mini-car rides, and rode the carousel twice. Fun Mommy and Fletcher time. We're going to try to talk Daddy into taking us out to eat for dinner. Here are some recent pictures: Fletcher blowing a dandelion, a beautiful flower in my neighbors garden, and today at Concord Mills.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The Best-Laid Plans
What is it that they say about the best-laid plans? I had planned a surprise party for Ed for Saturday night for his birthday and completion of graduate school. Had the location all set, balloons, cake, guests called, etc. Had told Ed, "let's go out to eat tonight." He didn't suspect a thing! But Ed calls me at work at almost 6pm on Saturday and says, "We can't go out to eat tonight. Fletcher isn't feeling well." To make a long story short, Ed went to his surprise party alone. He had a nice time. Thanks to Chris for being my party-planners assistant and arriving early to help set things up, and to all the friends who came to help Ed celebrate his accomplishments! Congratulations, sweetheart!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Happy Birthday to Ed!
Today is Ed's birthday! He is 39 years old! Honey, you have accomplished so much over the past year, you have much to be proud of! I love you! Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sick and Tired
Fletcher and I were back to the Doctor today. I say 'back' because it's been less that one month since Fletcher finished the antibiotics for RSV and was in the hospital. This time it is a flu-like virus: all the symptoms of the flu (fever, body aches, cough, constant runny nose and post-nasal drip, and slight tummy problems) without testing positive for the flu. Dr. Wendy says it sounds like we've all 3 got it and should lay low, treat the symptoms, and drink lots of fluids. Fletcher and I have watched lots of PBS today and taken several short naps in the bed and on the sofa. Hoping you are all well and that we'll be back to normal very soon! And sorry to those whom our sickness truly inconveniences!
Oregon or Bust?
Some of you may have been aware that Ed had received a job offer with Lowe' Oregon. After much consideration, we have decided to stay put for now. We are happy that we will not be leaving our family and friends, sad that we don't have that excuse to buy a new house and explore a part of the country we've never seen, and hope that Ed gets a similar offer, soon, much closer to home. Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts as we battled with this possibly life-changing decision.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Sad News
Please keep Ed's family in your thoughts and prayers this week. His Aunt Marilyn, his Dad's sister, passed away late yesterday. She had been battling cancer for the past few years. She had a strong faith and will no longer suffer. She has 2 daughters, 3 grandchildren, and 2 great grands.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Potty Trained!
I think it is safe to say that Fletcher is potty trained! Yay! I can't take much credit, though. He made up his own mind and it has been pretty smooth. Only a few 'accidents.' He's even wearing underwear at night. No more diapers or Pull-ups for us! Best pottying tip I know came from Tonya: keep a portable potty in the back of your car so that they can go while your on the go and so they don't have to use gross public potties. Great tip that has been wonderful for us.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Toes and Fingers
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Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher