Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Let the Fun Begin!
I tell you what, I'm sure I go way overboard with the party planning stuff and this week is crunch time! Fletcher's birthday party is Saturday. Monday, I ordered balloons and cupcakes. Tuesday, straightened my house and caught up on laundry, while caring for 4 kids no less. Today, cleaned the downstairs and bought lots of groceries and started organizing stuff in boxes to go to the party site. Tomorrow, I have the kids, will clean in the p.m. and then Ed's parents and Gram will arrive in the evening from NJ. Friday, last minute running around for stuff I've forgotten in the other trips, Mom, Aaron, and Chris arrive, and have a cookout for 9 people for dinner. Saturday is the magic day. Pick up cupcakes, set up and decorate the picnic shelter. Aaron and I have gone together to set up for Fletcher's birthday party the past 2 years and we plan to continue the tradition this year. And 10:00am is party time! It's chaos and I love it! Everyone keep you fingers crossed that I will survive the next few days! Thanks to Tonya for loaning us all kinds of things and for volunteering to pick up balloons Saturday morning!
Memorial Day Fun
It is so rare that Ed and Fletcher and I have a day together, with Ed working during the week and me on the weekends. So we really enjoyed our Memorial Day holiday. We spent the morning at the pool at had great fun splashing for a couple of hours. We then napped in the afternoon, although Fletcher wasn't too keen on the idea, made pizza for dinner and turned in early. All in all, a very relaxing day.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Day Out with Daddy

Fletcher and Daddy had a big day today! They went to the Huntersville Fitness Center and swam in the indoor pool. Fletcher kicked, blew bubbles, and put his head under the water. They then went to the outdoor pool and played and played. The pool was celebrating it's opening for the season and there was a jump castle outside and the carnival game where you swing the mallet to try to make the bell ring. Fun was had by all. Fletcher and Daddy wore themselves out and took an extra long nap.
Catching Up

Tonya reminded that I had not posted recently, until yesterday. So the purpose of this post will be to play catch-up. Last weekend we enjoyed a fun evening with Chris, Tonya, and Emma Kate and Jack. Tonya made a delicious (and vegan) meal that we enjoyed with wine. The kids played in the yard until they were exhauseted. It used to be Fletcher and Emma Kate that always played together, but now Jack and Fletcher really enjoy each others company, too. We all had lots of fun with our good friends! Wednesday was Fletcher's last day of preschool for this school year. He is growing up so fast. I've been saying that a lot lately! This summer we will go to Storytimes at the library on Wednesday mornings, attend art classes on Friday mornings, and have our friends over on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We plan to spend lots of time at the Fitness Center pool and the one in our community. I will still be working on the weekends and so we will make the most of our time together during the weekdays this summer before Fletcher goes back to school in the fall 3 days a week.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Me and My Boy

Fletcher and I had a fun day today that started with a spontaneous visit to Dunkin' Donuts where we enjoyed a donut and juice. Yum! We then went to Lowes which is one of Fletcher's favorite places. He loves the tools and the lawn mowers. I found some beautiful geraniums. Later we went to the playground where we enjoyed pretending Anansi and the Moss Covered Rock and playing on the playground equipment. Fletcher can now climb on all the things that I used to tell him was for big kids. My little boy is a big boy! I finally found a frame for the pictures of my kids so none of you have to hear me fuss about that anymore.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Fletcher and Sophie
Yesterday, Fletcher and I met up with Mrs. Julia and Sophie at North Meck Park. It was an absolutely glorious day with almost perfect (though slightly windy) weather. Fletcher loves Sophie and I really enjoy Julia's company. The kids played so well together and were truly thrilled to see each other. There was lots of hand-holding and hugs. We played, walked in the woods, ran on the ball fields, and ate a snack. Julia snapped the great shots above. We all sat down for a snack on a sunny bench and then the kids got up to play and Julia and I realized that we'd been sitting and talking for about 10 minutes while the kids were playing on the play structure. Wow! Our kids are growing up so fast and don't need us by their side every moment. This is a revelation that has me filled with mixed emotions! I am so glad that Fletcher has great Sophie.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Bug Safari

We went looking for bugs today and used our magnifying glasses to get a good look at ants, a ladybug, and something with lots of legs, and we found an egg that had recently held a baby bird. Fletcher got a little too close to an ant hill. The kids love to use the magnifying glasses (but actually hold them too close to their faces to magnify anything). We had fun and it was a beautiful morning to be outside.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mother's Day and Sharing Time at Preschool

We had a great Mother's Day weekend. My Mom came to visit with us and Ed pampered us both. Fletcher enjoyed taking Grandmaw to one of his favorite playgrounds on Sunday morning. The school year is winding down! Today was Share Day in Fletcher's preschool class. Mommies and Daddies were invited, treated to muffins made by the kids, and received a small portfolio of their child's art work, along with photos from the school year. The kids sang "If You're Friendly and You Know It" and "1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Bumblebees" and played the drums. Ed and I enjoyed seeing Fletcher in his school environment. Cam is in Fletcher's preschool class, so Emily was at Share Day, too. It was a very pleasant afternoon and Fletcher and I spent some time outside: riding the bike, blowing bubbles, and enjoying the garden. I have said for the last 2 years that I really need to thin out my garden and I am reminded again this year why. It looks really nice, but only half the things made it this year because they were crowded out by the others.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Cool Dude and Projects

Check out Cam today! Cool dude in the shades from the dress-up bin. We made cards for moms and grandmother's today for Mother's Day. Aren't they great! Left to right: Isabelle's, Cam's, and Fletcher's. The kids enjoyed gluing on paper, sticking on stickers, using rubber stamps, and dictating messages. Isabelle said she loves her Grammy beacause Grammy makes her grits! That was my favorite! We also made our hand prints on a poem by Susan Pflug called Mommy: "When I was a baby, Mommy held me on her shoulder. She held me on her lap when I got a little older. When I started pulling up, My mommy helped me stand. When I started walking, Mommy held my little hand. Then I started running, and grew so big and smart. That's when my Mommy let me go and held me in her heart." It makes me cry everytime I read it!
My Kids

Here are some pictures I have taken recently of "my kids." I plan to frame them if I can find the kind of frame I want (black frame, white mat, 4 vertical openings). I gave all the parents copies and hope they like them enough to frame them, too. Top to bottom: Isabelle, Cam, Fletcher, and Mandy. Imagine the photos cropped and Isabelle in B&W too.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Busy Times

Seems there is a lot going on this month: planning Fletcher's birthday party, Ed's job seeking/interviewing, making plans for Mother's Day weekend, thinking about house selling/buying, Fletcher's last 2 weeks of preschool this year, etc. Saturday we went to Isabelle's 3rd birhtday party. It was an Art Party and all the kids there had fun painting, stamping, etc. Tuesday, I just had Fletcher and Cam so I took the boys to the playground. We all had a great time. Today Fletcher and I went to Tonya's after preschool and had fun playing with Emma Kate and Jack, and their friend Jane. I loved seeing Tonya's newly painted home (beautiful) and hearing about their recent Disney trip. Thanks for the lunch and fun, T. Friday, Ed is working in Blowing Rock and Fletcher and I are planning to go with him as long as the weather is nice. I can think of lots to do with a little boy in BR when the weather is nice, and nothing to do if it's not. My Mom is coming to our house on Friday evening to spend Mother's Day weekend with us. I am off for the weekend and am looking foward to spending time with my Mom and Ed and Fletcher. I am planning to take my Mom to get a pedicure and breakfast on Saturday morning and we may all go hear the concert "Peter and the Wolf" on the Davidson Town Green in the afternoon. Hope the weather is nice and that you all have a Happy Mother's Day as mothers or with your mothers. Best.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
School Pictures
Check out for Fletcher's school pictures. Click on Online Ordering, click St. Alban's, enter 029104 to see the photos. We chose to order the one with Fletcher's head leaning on his arm and his class picture.
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Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher