Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Parkway Picnic

Fletcher and I met some of my high school friends and their families at Jefferes Park on the Blue Ridge Parkway on Sunday for a picnic. It was so nice to see everyone, some of whom I had not seen in years! The kids and the grown ups all enjoyed each others company and had a great time. We enjoyed eating, catching up, a walk in the woods, and playing in the leaves. So fun. Can't wait to get together with this group again!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mums, Pumpkins, and Apples, Oh My!

Fletcher and I stopped at a little country store at the corner of Hwy 73 and Beatties Ford Road yesterday to buy some mums. We found some beautiful plants, saw some great pumpkins, and (you know me) took lots of pictures. Fletcher enjoyed pretending the pumpkins were a magic maze leading to a thrown and eating a yummy apple given to him by the store proprietor.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Craigslist Rants and Raves

I am a newbie to Craigslist (a free website for buying and selling stuff) and have some opinions.

Raves: I have sold 1 set of 4 chairs, 1 large upholstered chair and ottoman, and 1 TV in a period of one weeks time.

Rants: People email to say "Is X still available? I'm very interested." I email back to say yes it is and here is 2 phone numbers you can call and 2 people you can talk to and THEY NEVER EMAIL OR CALL AGAIN! Is this not the answer they wanted? I don't get it!

Shining Hope Farms

Fletcher has begun therapeutic horseback riding at Shining Hope Farms in Mt. Holly. He will be going once a week and if his first session was any indication, he's going to love it! He had no hesitation about getting the horse (Sammy) and was ready to get moving. He worked hard and we are in hopes that this activity will be good for him on many levels.

More Pumpkin Fun

Today I took all the kids to the Pumpkin Patch at DUMC. They each chose a pumpkin to bring home for painting. The big kids also got to have lunch at Fuel Pizza in Davidson. I love this time of year!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

More Pics from the Patch!

Here is a photo Tonya took of us at the Pumpkin Patch, and check out her blog for more pumpkin fun!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pink Flamingo Baby

Joanna is Pink Flamingo Baby! I am now the proud owner of the URL www.pinkflamingobaby.com! Thanks, Tonya and Chris! You guys are the best!

Halloween Party!

Fletcher and I attended a Halloween Party hosted by Carly (aka Cassie from Dragon Tales), one of Fletcher's school friends. Sheri (Carly's mom) had set up lots of fun games for the kids and we had a nice time. Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin Patch

This morning we met the Harrington's at Carrigan Farms for our annual pumpkin patch outing. We have done this every year since Fletcher was born and it is a tradition we cherish! It was chilly this morning and felt very much life fall. Wonderful! We all enjoyed seeing each other, visiting the the animals, and choosing pumpkins.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mis-Match Day

Monday was mis-match day at school and Fletcher really enjoyed the idea of wearing crazy clothes. He just had to wear his overalls and we added a stripey shirt and mis-matched shoes and socks. He are some photos from our after school fun at Bailey Road Park and bike riding in our neighborhood.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Catching Up

Here are a few photos from the past 2 weeks:
Having fun at Children's Schoolhouse Carnival in Davidson
Making cupcakes and apple art with friends
Visiting the Cornelius Fire Department Open House
Hanging out with Danielle (see Danielle's blog for more photos from her weekend visit)

Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher