Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Uptown Charlotte

Today, Linda (MIL) and I dropped off Ken (FIL) at the library to work while we took Fletcher to see the Leonard Bearnstein Orchestra at Founders Hall. We then hopped on the LYNX train to the Green to watch other brave souls ice skate. Hopped back on the train to ImaginOn. We then met Ken at Brixx Uptown where we enjoyed a great lunch. I love uptown (now that I don't have to go there 5 days a week!) and love that Fletcher is comfortable there and knows the landmarks. We enjoyed seeing all the Christmas decorations at Founders Hall and other uptown locales.

Family Photo Fun

We had a great time with Danielle on Monday when she drove in from Durham to take the Clausen Family photos! It was a great experience and very laid back. After photos we all went to Lancaster BBQ in Huntersville. Yummy! Then back to our house for more family fun! So glad to see you Danielle and spend the day with you! We had fun!

Later we headed to the 'grassy area' for football and tug-o-war with the kids followed by dinner in (thanks, Dad). A great day! Can't wait to see Danielle's photos and I'll share with you all asap.

Fletcher loves his cousins (as do Ed and I!!) and was thrilled to be able to spend the day with them, much of it hugging them. Most of the day he had to have one on each side! Cathy and Louis, we are so glad that we were able to see you for Christmas as well as Ken, Linda, and Gram.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

What a wonderful day we had! I awoke before everyone else, followed shortly by Fletcher who got everyone up. We headed downstairs to see that Santa had come! We all had a great time watching Fletcher open and enjoy his gifts and open gifts of our own. We ate ham biscuits for breakfast then looked in our stockings. I took a Christmas morning nap (the best gift of all) and awoke just in time for Mom's wonderful chili! The rest of the day was playing, eating, and napping. We really enjoyed our fun and relaxing Christmas day! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas as well!

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we hung out at home and cooked then headed to Northlake Mall for a visit with Santa, lunch, a little shopping, and playing in the play area. The mall was packed and we waited for what seemed like forever for Santa! After returning home we cooked and ate some more before getting ready for Santa! Fletcher put out Chex mix, cheese, and quiche for Santa, cheese for Santa Mouse, and reindeer food for Santa's reindeer. We had a great day together, but will skip the mall next time!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Photo Gallery Wall

The inspiration from Pottery Barn:

The process:

The finished product:

After, Finally!

New pendant lights:

Looking from back door to front door through hallway and office:

Office to living room:

New stove and microwave:

New counter top and back splash:


I am not good at interior shots so I am still not satisfied with the pictures here. Things don't look much better here than they did in the before pictures, which just means that you all have to come see how much better things look in person for yourself!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Haircut and Singing Bears

I took my other son :) to get a haircut after school today and then we enjoyed the singing bears at Birkdale Village. While Fletcher danced the hula to Feliz Navidad, Cam watched the bears with a mixture of awe and terror. Yes, he liked it. No, he did not want to go any closer.

Fletcher at the Reigns!

Fletcher is still enjoying his afternoons at Shining Hope Farms, although Mrs. Delane has realized that Fletcher needs new challenges frequently. So yesterday they introduced reigns and Fletcher will be learning how to hold the reigns and control the horse with them. He will also start mucking stalls soon, too. Yesterdays session was also special because we brought Christmas presents for the horses: apples and carrots! Fletcher loved the chance to feed Marley ('our' horse), Hami, and Oreo and wish them a "Merry Christmas!" and the horses seem to be very appreciative! We feel that all of Fletcher's experiences at Shining Hope Farms have been positive ones and it is amazing to see him interact with the animals.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Disco Elves

Send your own ElfYourself eCards
Perhaps not the best choice of photos (because Ed has my computer as usual) but we're good for a giggle! Elf Yourself and email it to us. I love these! Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

We Love a Parade!

Yesterday was the North Meck Parade! We have attended every year since Fletcher was 1. We always enjoy BBQ at the American Legion first and then walk up to Hwy 115 where we stake out our spots along with Tonya and family. This year it was a cold but still enjoyable.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Our all-consuming household project is finished and we survived the mayhem. Well, the contractors are gone anyway. An they did a great job (D&D of Huntersville)! The paint is dry and the dust has mostly settled and we are enjoying our "new" home. No pictures have been hung back on the walls (as much as I love photos in my house, it's hard for me to think about hammering holes into my "new" walls) and closets are still crammed with stuff that goes elsewhere, but for the most part we are feeling settled again. I think we'll get everything ready for Christmas (tree up and a wreath on the door at least) before decorating the house for every day. Pictures of the finished project coming soon.

Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher