Wednesday morning Fletcher had his 3-Year Well-Visit. He is 36 1/2 pounds and 38 inches tall. He is healthy and has grown a 2 inches and 6 lbs in the past year. After the rough fall and winter we had (lots of illness), we were so pleased that he is doing so well now. After the Dr. visit Fletcher had a haircut (only his 3rd one) and did a great job. My boy is growing up! At 3 Fletcher loves to read books, go swimming, eat mac and cheese, be out-and-about, says "I love you so much!," calls me Mommy and Ed Daddy, misses his family when we are not all together, doesn't sleep in his own bed, doesn't like to brush his teeth, wants to do everything "by my own," and takes naps sometimes. He is a very strong-willed child who does things on his own terms. We love him so much!
That's the same lady who cut Jack's and Emma's hair! I really like that place. Fletcher is such a big boy. We are all so proud of the little guy he is becoming! (Jack's favorite new saying is "by me-self").
jo, you are a crazy blogging girl! db
Yeah db, I may be getting carried away. I doubt you all want to know what we do every day. But I am enjoying it! I think of it as a journal of Fletcher life and I don't want to forget anything! Can you believe I took no less than 325 pictures in June?!
I love your 'what we did today style. Of course, being Fletcher's Gramma might make me a little prejudiced. I really admire your actually going all the places and doing all the things you do with Fletcher. Most of us just think about doing them but don't actually get around to the doing.
ps - Fletcher, we love you lots!
Gramma & Grampa
(Love you & Ed too)
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