Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Uncle Aaron, the Manny!

With Ed's new job schedule and my weekend job, we were in need of weekend childcare, and decided to ask my brother, Aaron. We thought this would be a good arrangement all around: we need childcare and would much prefer family to hiring a babysitter, Fletcher loves his Uncle Aaron, and Aaron needs money. He is arriving on Friday evenings and staying with us until Sunday late afternoon, when I return home from work. This is his first weekend as "Manny" and based on the 4 phone calls I received at work today, Fletcher is excited, very active, and testing Uncle Aaron's resolve. They went to the playground, played with every toy we own, and Fletcher just fell asleep on the sofa from pure exhaustion at 4:30pm (since he was too wound up to nap at his regular time). Aaron may do the same! We'll see if Aaron will want to return next week when we are in need of his services again!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Aaron! Jo- your comments make me laugh; it's definitely a lot of work keeping up with a preschooler!

Anonymous said...

dude, wish there were photos with THIS post. too cute!

Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher