Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Busy Days in the 'Boro!

Fletcher and I just got back from my Mom's. We had gone on Sunday to help her do some things to get ready to move. My Mom had so much stuff! I know we all acquire stuff in life, but we put 12 big black garbage bags full of junk at the curb over the past 3 days! Mom needed to pare down because she hasn't in many years and she is moving into an apartment from a house. Aaron and I worked really hard since Mom isn't really able to do the physical work of sorting, etc (although she did more than she should have and was really feeling poorly today). We sorted stuff in storage into trash/keep/sale. At her house we went through 55 years worth of cards, letters, photos, mementos, etc. I put in order all the photos I had sent my Mom since Fletcher's birth and placed them into albums. We cleaned and painted 4 large potting containers, 2 tables, and 6 lawn chairs. We cleaned out bathroom and kitchen cabinets, bedroom closets, drawers, desks, and more. Whooo! I'm tired just thinking about it! But it's 12 bags of stuff she doesn't have to move to her new apartment or that will have to be gone through during the actual move. And hopefully rids Mom of some 'baggage'. Fletcher did great and really kept himself occupied a lot of the time. We'll be going back in 2 weeks to help some more and maybe start the actual move. Wish us luck!


em and her boys said...

Okay, I'll be a better post-er!! Glad you are back - Cam was glad Fletcher was back at school today. The first thing he said on Monday when I picked him up and asked how his day went was, "Fletcher wasn't there!" It was his response to every question - who did you play with? what did you do? did you have fun? He missed his friend!

Joanna Clausen said...

Thanks, Em. We're glad to be back! Fletcher has missed his friends too and asked if Cam was going to be at our house when we got home yesterday!

Gramma said...

Joanna - I need you at our house! I've got so much sorting, tossing and organizing to do I don't know where to start.

Part of the problem is that there is so much stuff all over the place that I don't have a good place to put the sorting piles. I refuse to put them out in the yard like they do on one of those TV shows!

Hopefully the damp basement problem is taken care of & I use that space to work!

We were having some computer problems & I couldn't get into your blog until last night. I've been missing it.

Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher