Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Workshop

Today was a special day at Fletcher's school: the Christmas Workshop. Moms and Dads were invited to come early and hear the children recite a beautiful poem with hand motions (that made this mommy teary-eyed) and sing Jingle Bells together as a group. Then everyone made Christmas cards for the residents of the Pines, a local retirement community. Afterwards we made a Merry Mix with pretzels, M&M's, peppermint, and marshmallows to take home. It was so nice to see Fletcher interacting with his classmates and to spend time together doing holiday stuff!

1 comment:

Joanna Clausen said...

Obviously, my camera is not working well. It will not take a picture with the flash on, and when I do take a picture, they are blurry! Help!

Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher