Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Too Much Stuff!

Ed and I have been paying $100 a month to store stuff in a Pack-Rat unit for over a year now. Crazy! I have come to the realization that we all have too much stuff. We are a society driven by stuff: have the most stuff, the best stuff, cooler stuff than the stuff our neighbors have. Whatever!

Ed and I had a yard sale over the weekend and made $205 selling our stuff and took what was left to donate at Goodwill and the library (3 cars full). Thanks to Aaron for coming to help and neighbor Jeff for coming to the rescue when the downpour started! I feel freer having gotten rid of lots of stuff and we now know that when (and if) we ever move, we will only be handling and moving the things that we really love, know we'll use, or has a purpose. We won't be moving stuff to cram it in an attic again!

In addition to the yard sale, I am consigning some kids stuff at the Huge Kids Sale in Concord next week. I'll let you know how it goes. We're selling a car (as we currently have 3). Ed's also selling some stuff on eBay.

If you don't know about freecycle, check it out. We have recently given away computer parts, crib mattress, diskettes, and more to people who want/need these things. And have gotten some packing materials to ship the things we'll be selling on eBay, all for free.

Check out the photos from the yard sale and Fletcher's lemonade stand. Get rid of stuff!

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Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher