Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

No More School for Jo, for Now

Yippee! I am done with school (until next fall)! I turned in my last written assignment last week, received my A, and am done with my post graduate education, at least until I'm actually in an elementary school. I have to log over 100 hours for my last course required for certification, but am going to wait until I'm actually in a paying position before signing up for that one. I'll be returning to work full time next fall as a School Media Specialist when Fletcher starts Kindergarten (gasp!). I'm hoping to be able to find a job in our part of the county and that Fletcher will be allowed to attend the school where I am working. But the job hunt will not start until next Spring. For now, I'm free!!! (from school anyway).

Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher