Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fletcher at Age 5

Fletcher had his five-year well check yesterday and is a healthy boy! He weighs 46 1/2 pounds and is 44 1/2 inches which puts him in the 75-90 percentile for his age. His vision was 20/20 and they checked his hearing which was fine.

Fletcher loves science especially electricity, doing experiments and creating inventions. He likes nature and enjoys being in the woods and tromping in the creek.

He loves books and has a passion for non-fiction books about science. The library and the bookstore are among our favorite places.

Fletcher is very loving and, in his own words, is "a big fan of babies" and also loves animals.

Fletcher is a smart guy with a large vocabulary who is always coming up with new ideas and always has something to say or a thought to share.

We are so proud of our son and the person he is becoming.

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Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher