Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sick and Tired

Fletcher and I were back to the Doctor today. I say 'back' because it's been less that one month since Fletcher finished the antibiotics for RSV and was in the hospital. This time it is a flu-like virus: all the symptoms of the flu (fever, body aches, cough, constant runny nose and post-nasal drip, and slight tummy problems) without testing positive for the flu. Dr. Wendy says it sounds like we've all 3 got it and should lay low, treat the symptoms, and drink lots of fluids. Fletcher and I have watched lots of PBS today and taken several short naps in the bed and on the sofa. Hoping you are all well and that we'll be back to normal very soon! And sorry to those whom our sickness truly inconveniences!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am so behind on you and your news. hope you are all fixed up now! no more bugs!!!!

Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher