Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Swim Lessons

Fletcher had swim lessons last week, Monday through Thursday. He loves the pool and the water and has no fear of water in his eyes or on his face, but we thought some technique was needed. Lifeguard Chris tried to teach Fletcher how to kick with straight legs, use big arms, and float on his back. However, Fletcher seemed to be more interested in talking and doing his own thing than listening and following instructions. But at least we know what to try to get him to do in the future.

Danielle in Durham

Friday Fletcher and I drove to Durham and arrived at Danielle's around noon. Danielle is my friend that I've known since high school and a photographer who's studio is in her home. We enjoyed seeing her lovely new home (filled with lots of special touches), catching-up, snacking on Puffins, taking TV- and craft- breaks, and Fletcher having his photo taken many times (without too much complaint and mostly cooperation). Danielle does such a great job capturing kids being kids and made Fletcher very comfortable. We had a great visit! Visit Danielle's blog for a preview of the photos. I got a preview while we were there and was so happy! I can't wait to see them all printed! Thanks, Danielle!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Insult to Injury

Injury: worst haircut ever (yesterday)
Insult: upset stomach, chills, headache, etc. (last night, today)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day in the City

Fletcher and I headed to the Charlotte Nature Museum this morning for Farm Day where we saw a llama, goat, sheep, bunnies, geese, and more and planted some radish seeds. We explored the museum and the nature trail before heading to the Kings Drive Farmers Market where we saw (and bought) veggies of every color! We then went to Reid's uptown for sandwiches, road the trolley, and visited ImaginOn. Boy, I'm tired! But we had much fun. I must say, I really enjoy my sons company and love to do things like this with him.

Ball Circus

Fletcher participated in a week-long summer camp at Integrative Therapy in Mooresville called Ball Circus. The kids used exercise balls to improve their core strength. (I'm thinking maybe I should have gone to Ball Circus camp!) Friday they did a little performance to show off what they learned. Fletcher did great! In the photos above, he is demonstrating "the elephant" and "upside down clown." Afterwards, I took Fletcher for a big boy summertime hair cut at Snip-It's in Birkdale followed by more fun at the fountain.

Beach Week

We had fun this past week learning about the beach, reading beach-themed books, and playing at "the beach" outside. Here's a few photos of the kids having fun in the sand, water, and sun.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Fountain Fun

Between Ball Circus camp and PT today, I took Fletcher to the fountain at Birkdale to play. He had a good time and Tonya and Jack met us for a few minutes. A nice break from all the running around we seem to be constantly doing!

Happy (Belated) Father's Day

We'd like to wish all the great dads we know a very Happy Father's Day!

I think Ed had a good day: Fletcher and I cooked him breakfast, he napped, we headed to ImaginOn for a They Might Be Giants concert with the Harringtons, then to Brixx for lunch, rode the light rail Blue Line the entire route, headed to B&N at Birkdale, and then had ice cream at Coldstone Creamery. It was a full day but everyone was happy and content. Needless to say, we slept well last night!

Happy Birthday, Logan!

Our friend Logan turned 2 last week and celebrated with a farm theme on Saturday. The kids had great fun playing and Julie had done a beautiful job with the decorations, etc. I love this little boy! Happy Birthday, Logan!

Roger Day

Friday we had the privilege of seeing Roger Day perform live at the library in Stanley, NC. We met Tonya and her kids there and had a blast. I first discovered him on a PBS performance a few years back and soon bought 2 CD's and his DVD and turned Tonya and her family on to him. Roger Day is such a dynamic, creative performer with fun and intelligent lyrics that even parents can (happily) sing along to. He was recently featured in an article on great music for kids in Charlotte Baby and Child Magazine and is No. 1 on XM radio for kids! (I apologize for the poor quality of the photo. My flash is not working, so indoor pictures are not turning out well).

Friday, June 13, 2008

Update: Quiz: What is it?

The correct answer is C. our new ceiling decor, and Fletcher had nothing to do with it. It was all my doing! We were getting ready to decorate t-shirts with fabric paint. Well, the paint was in these little squeeze bottles and the blue seemed to be clogged so I gave it a few gentle squeezes, and needless to say, the clog unclogged itself and paint went 9 feet into the air and landed on my kitchen ceiling! The children thought it was hilarious (especially since I'm the one who did it) and I opted to laugh also (or else I'd have cried) and now we have an interesting 3D design on the kitchen ceiling. It will probably remain there until its time to sell/move. This is the comedy/drama that is my life!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fletcher at Age 4

Loves to cook.
Is a scientist.
Says "Mommy, I love you."
Likes potpie, bananas, and apple juice best of all.
Loves the water and to swim.
Wants to be a astronaut (on Sundays), a garbage man (on Mondays), and a plumber, when he grows up (and rest the other days because all of these are hard work).
Loves to be read to (about 10 books a day).
Shares peanut butter sandwiches with Daddy.
Has a favorite librarian: Mr. George at NCO.
Wants a baby brother.
Knows lots of words and how to use them.
Watches too much t.v.
Loves Norm and New Yankee Workshop on PBS.
Wakes around 7 and goes to sleep around 9 and does not take a nap.
Likes Mrs. Laverne and Mrs. Karen best of all.
Is smart, energetic, loving, special, friendly, challenging, and curious.

And I love him best of all.

New Favorite Dinner

We've been making this recipe for a while but have not had it in a month or so until tonight and I was reminded how much I love it! Special Fried Rice is Rachel Ray's recipe and is yum-o! It could be easily vegan-ized by subbing the eggs with egg substitute. Cook it and enjoy!

Quiz: What is it?

Multiple Choice:
A. a Smurf sneeze
B. a Jackson Pollack (that we found online!)
C. our new ceiling decor
D. a Rorschach inkblot test

Comment with your response and I'll post the real answer on Friday.

What's All the Hullabaloo?

Tonya's family got Fletcher the most awesome game for his birthday called Cranium Hullabaloo. It is so cute, lots of fun, and requires the kids to use their ears, eyes, and whole body while enforcing shapes, colors, and vocabulary. We played this morning and again after lunch. Thanks, Tonya and gang!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Thanks, Little Red Hen

Recently we checked out a book from the library called Cook-a-Doodle-Doo by Janet Stevens that Fletcher just loved. It's a really cute story about a rooster who is tired of eating chicken feed and soon discovers the cookbook of his great grandmother, The Little Red Hen and sets his mind to making Strawberry Shortcake. The dog, cat, and goose all refuse to help, but the turtle, iguana, and potbellied pig are anxious to assist, with hilarious results. Yesterday, following the recipe provided in the book, we made Strawberry Shortcake with our own group of humorous characters: Fletcher, Grandmaw, and Mommy! This would have been a great(er) learning experience had we picked the strawberries ourselves, but even so, it was a success as Fletcher remembered lines from the book as well as did all the mixing and whipping himself.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fletcher's Birthday Party

We had a great time last night at Fletcher's Popcorn-themed birthday party. We had a popcorn machine, the kids wore their PJ's, watched videos, and I made what might be the cutest cupcakes ever. Fletcher really enjoyed himself and was so excited to have his friends here. Thanks to Tonya for taking all the great pictures.

Monday, June 2, 2008

More Beach Photos

We got home last night after what seemed like an endless drive (sun burnt back for me and no air in the van until we fork over $500 plus dollars) and all agreed that we had a very nice (but too short) beach trip!

Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher