Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Friday, March 28, 2008

Fletcher's on the Web

Take a look at Fletcher on the Scandinavian Child website. My friend, the very talented photographer, Danielle Anthony took the photo at Carrigan Farms back in October.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sand Pancakes

Today Fletcher and I headed over to the Sandlot after school. It was such a beautiful day and we enjoyed digging, racing, and pretending to make pancakes by milling grain into flour, gathering eggs, milking a cow, churning milk into butter, mixing it up, and cooking it in a pan. Ever read Pancakes, Pancakes by Eric Carle? I think this book might have influenced our play today! Tried out the Vivid Colors setting on my camera today. Not sure if I like it or not.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Favorite Easter Images

Aside from the ones of my sweet boy, here are some of my favorite images from the past few days! They just say "Spring" and "Easter" to me!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all! Here are the highlights from our Easter Holiday:

10. Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Celebration at school on Friday!
9. Arrival of Grandmaw and Uncle Aaron on Friday!
8. Easter Egg Hunt, picnic, and petting lambs at Latta Plantation on Saturday!
7. Dying Easter Eggs!
6. Making Easter cookies with Mommy, Daddy, Grandmaw, and Uncle Aaron!
5. Going out for pizza on Saturday night!
4. Role-playing Easter Sunday and baptizing a baby doll many times (Fletcher was Father David)!
3. Ed breaking his foot last night and going to the ER this morning!
2. Easter Egg Hunt after church at home with Mommy, Grandmaw, and Uncle Aaron!
1. Mommy and Fletcher being baptized today with our friends and family there!

We enjoyed a wonderful and joyous Easter and hope you all did as well!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lazy 5 Ranch

After spending Tuesday on the sofa with a migraine, Fletcher and I enjoyed getting out and about on Wednesday. We met our friends Danielle, Evelyn and Nicholas at the Lazy 5 Ranch where we saw many animals, the kids played, and shared lots of laughs. Afterwards we went for pizza where the adults got to do some catching up while the kids played with video games. There aren't very many days in one's life when you can say you touched a zebra and fed a giraffe! We love the Lazy 5!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Kite Flying

On Sunday, Fletcher, Aaron, and I went to Cub Creek Park to fly kites, run, and play. We had a great time with only one kite mishap (into a tree) and Fletcher burnt off some energy and took at long nap on the way back to Huntersville. We really enjoyed spending the weekend with Mom and Aaron and look forward to their visit to us this weekend.

Baby Brother

Here are some great photos of Aaron, my baby brother, taken on our road trip on Saturday. Isn't he cute?

The Barns of Ashe County

Fletcher and I went to spend some time with Mom and Aaron over the weekend. On Saturday we went for a mountain drive and ended up discovering a beautiful stretch of road in Ashe County where we saw no less than 10 old barns. Check them out in the photos. I love old barns.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Evolution of a Bubble

See Mandy blow, and blow, and blow. See Mandy make a bubble. See Mandy smile!

Bubble Fun

Cam and Mandy had fun with bubbles this afternoon. Fletcher dug in the dirt in the garden instead. Do you think Fletcher wanted his picture taken?

Monday, March 10, 2008

One of Those Days

Ever have one of those days when you feel like you should have just stayed in bed for the good of everyone around you? Well in spite of good intentions I just couldn't get it together today. I mean all the events of the day went fine, but I couldn't get word to paper (or screen, as the case may be), etc. the way I intended.

The good thing about kids, though, is that they rarely notice so here are some pictures that I took while Fletcher and I were having fun and playing outside at home and at the playground, where we met Sophie and Julia.

I'll try not to include any of you next time I'm a train wreck waiting to happen!

Danielle's Headed to Town!

You all know how much I love photos so I wanted to share with you all that my dear friend and very talented photographer, Danielle Anthony, will be in the Charlotte area in the coming months. She is great with kids and her specialty is capturing kids being kids, with wonderful results. Her work has appeared in Baby and Child and she has taken some of my favorite photographs of Fletcher. She works in color and black and white and takes great outdoor shots or she can set up her studio in your home. Take a look at her blog and website. She's super friendly and would love to hear from you!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Teacher for a Day (or at least a couple of hours)

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week at Fletcher's school. Debbie G. and I had the privilege to be classroom teachers for a couple of hours while the teachers were treated to a catered lunch. We had a great time. I can't speak for Debbie but our experience made me appreciate Mrs. Sonja and Mrs. Kajsa even more!

Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher