Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Saturday in the 'Boro

Friday afternoon we headed to the 'Boro to spend the night with Mom. We had a very nice visit and it was great to spend some time with Mom. Fletcher did great and really enjoyed his Grandmaw's company. Saturday afternoon we headed to Cub Creek Park which was much fun! Fletcher rode his bike to show Grandmaw what a great bike rider he is and then we played on the playground, played hide-and-seek, and swung. We also threw rocks and sticks into the creek. I love a creek and feel that every child should have the experience of playing in a creek.

Love the playground structure with all the colors and chipping paint. This would be a great place (for someone with more talent or a better camera than me) to take pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, does that park hold memories for me. We used to have our church picnics there, Legend has it that we once won the prize for dirtiest kids after hanging out there in the creek. "Just don't get wet!" Famous last mommy words!!!!!

I used to walk Nick and Alex down there for some playtime too. I have played many a game of tag on that playground equipment. It's great cardio!!!

and lastly, I really like your geometric photo compositions!

let's get together soon!


Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher