Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Save the Ducks and the Trees

Buy reusable bags at your grocery store! Bi-Lo has them for $1 each that hold as much as a paper grocery bag and they will take $.05 of your total bill for each bag you use each week! I use to ask for paper every week, thinking it had to be better than plastic, and then would use the paper bag at home for recyclables. But deforestation really fires me up, so I'm urging everyone to spend $5 or $6 once and never use paper or plastic again!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it! I started using (really using) my cloth bags a couple of months ago. Now, if I accidentally forget to bring the bags, I really get frustrated with myself. I have four of the example cloth bags (they are about $6 each, but totally worth it). I can fit over $100 worth of groceries in 4 bags! Great cause-

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