Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Monday, February 12, 2007

Muffins and Valentines

I long to be the mommy who makes her child's Halloween costume, cooks homemade dinners and bakes birthday cakes, but that's not my reality. However, I did aspire to be that mommy today. This morning I made heart-shaped strawberry muffins for snack for Fletcher's class at preschool along with strawberries that I notched a V in the top of to resemble hearts when sliced in half. This afternoon Fletcher and I worked on his Valentines for friends: celephane bags with apples, oranges, or bananas and cards that say, "You're the apple of my eye!, " or "Orange you glad we're friends!," or "I go bananas over you!" I thought of two others later: "Valentine, you're grape!" and "We're a great pear!"
Watch out June Cleaver, here comes Joanna Clausen!

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Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher