Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Saturday, March 3, 2007

100% Fletcher...Again

After a scary few days, Fletcher is back to his old self, for the most part. Sunday night we went to the ER and Fletcher was diagnosed with pneumonia. We were back in the ER on Tuesday and admitted to the hospital. Fletcher had breathing difficulties and was on oxygen. He had oxygen and breathing treatments over the next 2 days and was diagnosed with RSV. He was released on Thursday afternoon. He is still having breathing treatments every 4 hours and on an antibiotic but is feeling like his 2-year-old self again.

For the most part, he did really great in the hospital and cooperated with all the poking and proding, comings and goings very well. He remembered his pleases and thank yous and tolerated the hoses and tubes in his face more than I would have.

While in the hospital, Fletcher amazed all the nurses and technicians: "How old is he?!," "What did he just say?!," "Wow, he's really smart isn't he?!" He explained to his nurse on Thursday that the bed could move up and down because it has pistons and later was pretending that the wheels on the over-turned wagon (that we rode round and round the 2nd floor in) was a potting wheel and he was making pots.

He will miss all his friends this week, but isn't suppose to be in close proximity with other children for the next week. We can go to the playground or other wide-open spaces, thank goodness!

Thank you all for your phone calls, kinds thoughts and words, and goodies for stir-crazy boys and parents! We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful support group.

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Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher