Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Soccer with Daddy

Fletcher and Ed started Smart Start Soccer on Mondays. This is a program offered by the Huntersville Parks and Rec department that teaches soccer basics to young kids with parent participation. This Monday Fletcher learned how to "Stop, Look, and Kick": stop the ball with your foot, look around for a teammate, and kick the ball. He really enjoyed himself and was excited to show Mommy what he learned and his new gear (2 soccer balls and shin guards).

Fletcher is often anxious about new situations and makes up his mind that he doesn't like something in advance so we were very pleased that this was something he was interested in and excited about! Way to go buddy! I'm going to leave soccer to Daddy but I will be attending the 2 games at the end of the season with camera in tow so look for soccer photos toward the end of October!

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Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher