Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Monday, September 10, 2007

Where do Babies Come From?

Yes, I was asked this question last night while giving Fletcher his bath. This has never been a taboo subject at our house: we call things what they are and always answered questions and talked about things honestly and as straight-forward as possible in the most age-appropriate terms. But this was the first time that Fletcher just came out with the question " Where do babies come from?" Thankfully we had recently had a wonderful book from the library called When You Were Inside Mommy by Joanna Cole that is perfect for this age. I'd also recommend Who Has a Belly Button? by Mary Batton which describes what makes us mammals. I discovered this one when Fletcher asked over a year ago "Why do we have belly buttons?" and "Do cats have belly buttons?" I still have to paraphrase this one a little while reading, but it's good. Last night, Fletcher also wanted to know if a Mommy and Daddy could choose a boy or a girl and was excited to know that it's always a surprise!

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