Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fletcher at Age 4

Loves to cook.
Is a scientist.
Says "Mommy, I love you."
Likes potpie, bananas, and apple juice best of all.
Loves the water and to swim.
Wants to be a astronaut (on Sundays), a garbage man (on Mondays), and a plumber, when he grows up (and rest the other days because all of these are hard work).
Loves to be read to (about 10 books a day).
Shares peanut butter sandwiches with Daddy.
Has a favorite librarian: Mr. George at NCO.
Wants a baby brother.
Knows lots of words and how to use them.
Watches too much t.v.
Loves Norm and New Yankee Workshop on PBS.
Wakes around 7 and goes to sleep around 9 and does not take a nap.
Likes Mrs. Laverne and Mrs. Karen best of all.
Is smart, energetic, loving, special, friendly, challenging, and curious.

And I love him best of all.

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Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher