Fletcher is Growing up Fast!


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Fletcher and Sophie

Yesterday, Fletcher and I met up with Mrs. Julia and Sophie at North Meck Park. It was an absolutely glorious day with almost perfect (though slightly windy) weather. Fletcher loves Sophie and I really enjoy Julia's company. The kids played so well together and were truly thrilled to see each other. There was lots of hand-holding and hugs. We played, walked in the woods, ran on the ball fields, and ate a snack. Julia snapped the great shots above. We all sat down for a snack on a sunny bench and then the kids got up to play and Julia and I realized that we'd been sitting and talking for about 10 minutes while the kids were playing on the play structure. Wow! Our kids are growing up so fast and don't need us by their side every moment. This is a revelation that has me filled with mixed emotions! I am so glad that Fletcher has great friends...like Sophie.

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Keeping up with family and friends and posting lots of photos of Fletcher